Friday, November 8, 2013

Orange is the New Black

            Orange is the New Black is a Netflix series about a successful woman who is forced to go to prison for crimes committed in her distant past. The show follows Piper, a somewhat weak and confused woman, who finds strength through here experiences in prison. Throughout her journey 3 themes are consistent within the prison. Racial stereotypes, drugs, and lesbian relationships are very important and create challenges amongst the women and the people surrounding them.

            Separation of racial groups is prominent in the prison. The Latinas are a part of one group, the Black women are a part of another, and the white women have several subgroups that they belong to. In the beginning of the story the fact that the women segregated themselves into their own racial groups is not obvious. Later on in the series the women are told to elect persons for the Women’s Advisory Council. The catch of this election is that only one woman from each race is chosen as a representative. Piper challenges this by saying “how is that an effective system, not every Hispanic person wants the same thing” (Orange is the New Black, 2013). The other women brush off her statement and tell her to go along with the way it’s always been. Piper tries to challenge these ideals voicing her opinion then choosing to stay out of the competition. As Martin and Nakayama say “people often resist forms of popular culture by refusing to engage in them” (2013). Another racial stereotype is addressed when a black woman tells the others that she is trying to get better health care and cleaner facilities in the prison. Upon hearing this the other women laugh and make fun of her for being ‘to proper’ for the WAC elections. These comments went unchallenged so it could appear as if all black women care about are things that seem unimportant. Orange is the New Black uses Piper to challenge some of the stereotypes that surround the image of prison, but when Piper is not involved many stereotypes continue to slide by unnoticed.

            Drugs within the prison become a problem that is under the radar. No one is aware that a prison guard is responsible for the drugs that are being given to the inmates. Contrary to popular belief, the inmates are not making and selling drugs amongst themselves and are not accepting of drugs. One inmate challenges the prison guard by not allowing the drugs to come through the kitchen where she works. By doing this she is protecting her representation as ‘mother’ to the other inmates. Martin and Nakayama state that “Resistance stems mainly from concerns about the representation of various social groups. Red, the motherly woman, does not believe in bringing drugs into the prison and goes to great lengths to make it impossible for the guard to get his drugs in.

            Another subject that resurfaces frequently is lesbian relationships. This is a particularly sensitive subject for Piper since the woman that sent her to jail used to be her ex-lover. Years later, Piper is now engaged to a man and is no longer interested in women. At first Piper, resists giving into a sexual relationship with another woman. Eventually Piper reconnects with the woman that she used to have relations with and falls into her old ways. Other women also engage in sexual relationships with women and feel guilty about what they are doing. The stereotype that women will resort to lesbian ways while in prison is challenged at first but seems to be accepted later on in the show when relationships are broken and women become closer to the women in prison.

            Although this show is accepting of several stereotypes Orange is the New Black focuses on the fact that these women are real and have real emotions. The overall stereotype that women in prison are cold and hard is challenged in the show. All these women have individual stories that make them human. They also create relationships with the other women and care about what happens to them. This show challenges the beliefs of popular culture and shows that women in prison are experiencing some of the stereotypes but are also resisting and redefining these stereotypes.


  1. This show is such a hidden jem! When I found it on Netflix I was totally hooked. I'm really glad you decided to choose this for your blog. I never thought of it from a stereotypical perspective, but there is so many different cultures and relationships I can't believed I missed it all! Great job, loved it.

  2. I love this show and glad you did a piece on it. It is also a great point that you mentioned about how the stereotype of women is challenged in this television show. There are STILL so many movies, television shows, etc. that only have men as main characters and women are placed on the back burner. Orange is the new Black is great because women are front and center and have more emotions and thoughts aside from just talking about boys and materialistic things. Good topic!

  3. I love this show. Good analysis and presentation of themes. Use this format and strategy with your summary blog.
